SIM Niger celebrates!

SIM celebrates 100 years in Niger! Read this story from Dave and Lois Freeman who have served in Niger and had the privilege of joining in with the celebrations.

Isaiah 55:11 says, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it out.”

What a privilege it was to experience and participate in SIM Niger’s Centennial Celebrations and see the fruit that had been produced from those who answered God’s call – to take His word into the hostile sub-Saharan country of Niger, one hundred years ago.

God’s word has certainly not returned to Him void but has accomplished the purpose that God sent it out there for – bringing many people into a personal relationship with the one true God, through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

SIM Niger’s Centennial Celebrations were planned for January 2024, but due to a ‘coup’ in the country in 2023 with subsequent border closures, the celebrations were postponed and rescheduled for 4-9 December 2024.

We had the privilege of being able to return to Niger, the country and its people that have been very dear to our hearts since we first ventured there in 2007. We chose to arrive five weeks before the celebrations began; to give something back to the country and its people again by helping and supporting the amazing team on the ground at Galmi Hospital.

We arrived in the country on 31 October, after updating our vaccinations, meeting all the requirements for SIM NZ & SIM Niger and having all the hassles of waiting to get our visas, which thankfully arrived in plenty of time.

Due to the political situation in the country, the restrictions on travel, and the lack of permits and visas being given, the number of expats hoping to come and join in the celebrations was severely hampered. Up until the day before it started, the organisers, who did an amazing job, were not sure if permission would be granted to be able to travel across the country to celebrate where SIM had established work. However, it was allowed and as a group of sixteen we travelled by minibus with security.

That did not hinder the local believers continuing with their wonderful celebrations, of speeches, messages, singing, dance, food and giving thanks and praise to our God, all in their own unique and special ways, starting in the capital Niamey first, then heading east to celebrate in four other major locations across the country. The specially designed Centennial fabric for our outfits added to the unified and colourful sight as everyone gathered together to celebrate.

It was humbling and emotional to witness the celebrations proclaiming the promise from Hebrews 13:8, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. We honoured the hundreds of Christians – the ‘fruit’ that has been produced and grown despite the persecution. We heard of the exhortations and exuberance to carry the ‘Word’ forward that was brought into the country, so that the fruit would increase and flourish.

We thank our amazing God, for the privilege seeing the outworking of His plan and purpose – that no one should live and die without hearing about God’s good news and the great love that He has for them. We saw these disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities and Christ-centered churches across Niger.

We humbly thank God for the privilege of being in Niger to celebrate as we were two of the five expats who obtained new visas to be there, (seven others had multiple entry visas from before). We thank Him for safety and security in travel, for seeing much of the plentiful harvest that has been produced and for the local dedication to still bring in more harvest.

We truly felt the honour of being there; and to be present with Mark and Faye Griffiths too, as we represented at least forty New Zealanders who have gone before obeying God’s call to take His Word to Niger.