Opening doors
April-2024 |

God is at work in the Middle East and we’re excited about the growing opportunities to participate.
Kate* has been serving in the Middle East for more than 20 years where she uses her skills as an occupational therapist to slowly build relationships with mothers and work out how best to tell them about Jesus. In June 2022, she handed over the baton of leading a team in another Middle Eastern country, to move to a new location in a big city, where there are some Christian believers.
She partners with workers from other mission organisations already there, who can help her open doors for her ministry, and she’s currently exploring partnering with a training centre. “The centre’s taught English for many years and has a very good reputation,” she explains. “The couple who run the centre are now very open to using it for other types of training and we plan to run seminars for parents of children with autism.
“Eventually we’d like to extend the training to staff at locally-run centres for children with learning difficulties and that would provide us with easy access into the community where relationships can be built up and go ‘beyond the business’,” she adds. “It’s very different from my roles that I’ve become accustomed to, such as play therapist, physio, activity provider, family entertainer and counsellor!” However, Kate is always happiest when she has plenty of children in her life, and since relocating, she’s connected with lots of children with special needs, especially those with autism, during visits to kindergartens linked with churches and on home visits.
“I have the privilege of seeing children who are kept out of the public eye. Mums here often feel they are to blame for their children’s special needs and frequently feel a deep shame. “The parents notice and comment on how I interact with their children and this is such a great opportunity to share something of the source of my love and to pray that they get to see their children as our heavenly father sees them.
Wow, what a visit!
“On an early morning walk one day,” Kate says, “I came across a disabled boy playing in the gravel. He was so tiny I prayed to find him again. Some time later I searched for him with a friend and in a very shabby area, God finally led us to him. “To the mother’s shock we came into her tiny house and I tried to explain how we had been looking for her son. More and more people came and at least three other children with disabilities were pushed towards us. My heart ached as I heard of this mother’s difficult situation. Before we left we prayed for her and her son, and the room erupted as all the kids were pushed forward to be prayed for individually. “It was chaotic and unorthodox, but so amazing to sense the Holy Spirit working!
I’ve returned to pray more with the Mum and tell Bible stories. I’d love to be working in a more definite team, but I trust God will be preparing the way and people to make it possible in his perfect timing.” Kate is the only SIM worker in this new area of the Middle East
— Kerry Allen
— * Name changed
• For new team members to join Kate and help her ministry flourish.
• For wisdom as Kate trains parents and professionals.