An idea for us all in 2025
December-2024 |

It seems this is a recurring theme for me – I get to this point every year, and I can’t believe how quickly the year has gone by and how close Christmas is. I also look forward to the Christmas break and extended time off. This has been a welcome new rhythm for this almost-Kiwi North American. Before moving here, Christmas break was short before jumping back into the busyness of work.
Wherever you find yourself, I hope you find time to slow down, reflect on the past year, and marinate in the places where God has engaged with you.
This year, I’ve really enjoyed immersing myself in the book of Acts, especially during the last quarter. I began with Acts 13, then explored Acts 11, and even went back to Acts 4. My goal was to understand what inspired and shaped the church in Antioch, allowing them to send out Paul and Barnabas so freely, as seen in Acts 13. I believe Barnabas had a key role in all of this happening.
Luke tells us in Acts 4 that Barnabas means ‘son of encouragement’, and throughout the book, he demonstrates the power of this encouragement. It paves the way for Paul after his conversion, it encourages the Antioch church early on in its development, and it creates space for Paul to lead the Antioch church as their pastor. Luke gives us a little glimmer of the pivotal role encouragement plays in Acts 14 when Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for Greek gods. I’ve always seen Barnabas as the sidekick, so I find it very interesting that the people of Lystra assume he is Zeus and not Paul. I wonder if this is meant to help us see how important encouragement is from a receiver’s point of view.
This is a great challenge for those of us who are Kiwis (or almost-Kiwis). We live in a culture where encouragement isn’t always valued and tall poppy syndrome can rule the day. We should be confronted when we see how powerful encouragement is in scripture. And how a little word could send a person or a church in a whole new direction. Maybe even in a direction that is so big they can’t even envision it.
I think back on my life and realise I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for people like my Uncle John, Pastor Glenn (my pastor as a young adult), or a still unknown retired woman in our church who wanted to encourage my mission heart and sponsored my attendance to Urbana mission conference back in 1990. Whether by voice or action, all these encouragers put me on a path with God that I don’t think I would have gone on my own.
As we close out 2024 and look to 2025, what would it look like if we each committed to step into those places where we could be a Barnabas — a ‘son or daughter of encouragement’ — to someone else? Are there people within your ministry context for whom you could be a voice of encouragement? If so, let me implore you to speak up and not stay silent. Your gift of encouragement may be just what they need to find the courage to follow God into their next season of journeying with him. It’s a great gift to give because it gives back as well.
Merry Christmas everyone! May you embrace the gift of encouragement in the coming year.
Rob Reynolds