Why does SIM exist?
June-2014 |

Earlier this year, SIM leaders gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to pray about, reflect on and discuss what might be God’s direction for SIM’s future. For more than 120 years God has guided SIM, in different ways at different times. As the world changes, and mission contexts (both sending and receiving) change, it has become imperative that we discover God’s purpose for the Mission in our generation. The questions of why SIM exists, why we mobilize, recruit and fundraise – and why we ask you to join us – have become urgent ones. In Malaysia we looked for clarity, and we were not disappointed.
When God called our pioneers to Latin America, Asia and Africa, they joyfully responded because of their love for Christ and the lost. This great love remains our heartbeat today. SIM exists so that we might worship Christ in heart, word and deed.
We live to:
• Make him known and make disciples where he is not known irrespective of barriers and compelled by his great love
• Serve his churches in fulfilling his mission across cultures
• Enable those he calls to participate in his harvest irrespective of where they come from or where they go
Thank you partnering with us in this, as we facilitate people to join in with what God is doing around the world, empowered to thrive and to make a difference.
Watch this video to hear our International Director Dr Joshua share more on why SIM exists: